In order to deliver a master-piece of a story, one must conjoin not only his thoughts but his experiences. He says, "accommodating his incidents; but having conceived" where he wants the writer/poet to utilize a powerful literacy tool to have an everlasting effect on the reader. It the author hasn't caught the readers attention within there story at the mere beginning, it was a failure from the start. The human creates the story, not the story. Thus, there is no limits or end to the novels because only you decide when the story leaves off on.
Edgar Allen Poe utilizes a dark tone to be set with the readers and others that acknowledges his work. He tells other writers to use experiences to drive emotions and their writings. His mockery exposes other less-experienced writers to follow his footsteps to have a literary piece of art. Poe said that because his own life had harsh experiences which formulated his sick, dark mind. To have your own experiences into the story can help build a backbone to the overall setting of the novel.